Chile: Chile Sustainable Energy Finance (SEF Chile)
Client: IFC-WB Group
Dates: March 2012-September2012
Country: Chile
Description of the Project: The objective of this consultancy is to analyze the current regulatory framework. The report focuses on the financing of sustainable energy in Chile and should identify regulatory barriers and potential improvements to be incorporated into proposed reforms, both for the short- and medium-term. The financial aspects should cover regulatory, energy, environmental, tax, and legal issues, inter alia.
One of the specific objectives of this consultancy is to identify the economic, technical, regulatory, and informational conditions necessary to promote an energy efficiency services market in Chile. Another objective is to facilitate the implementation of standards related to incentives and to identify opportunities to facilitate access to alternative energy sources are in more remote areas.
In addition, this assignment will analyze the possibility of including issues such as: electricity distribution and incentives for generation for self-supply (including the concept of "net metering") in the current legislation. Three workshops were carried out to determine barriers for sustainable energy development and disseminating the results.
Colombia: Support to Technical Services Providers (Sustainable Energy Finance Program, C-SEF)
Client: International Finance Corporation (IFC)/WB Group
Dates: August 2011 to September 2012
Country: Colombia
Description of Project: The objective of the SEF Colombia Program (“SEF Colombia” or the “Program”) is to support the implementation and scale up of energy efficiency and cleaner production. This will be done by providing increased access to finance to end-users so as to encourage them to incorporate EE/CP practices. Creara’s assignment aimed to strengthen technical service providers in Colombia, including energy services companies (ESCOs), local consultants (firms and individuals), and technology providers, so that they are better able to present financially viable projects for consideration to financial institutions. More than 8 training sessions and 3 seminars were conducted in different cities. Al a result, more than 240 participated and 20 companies received personal assistance on developing financeable proposal increasing the access to Bank’s funds.

Client: Ministerio de Electrificación y Energías Renovables del Ecuador (MEER)-IDB
Dates: April 2011-September 2011
Country: Ecuador
Description of the Project: The project aimed to design and implement a Strategy for the Promotion of the Energy Efficiency in Ecuador, targeting different sectors; industrial, services, residential and public services. Creara’s assignment consisting in conducting a profound market study and analysis of: policies and existing regulation regarding energy efficiency; technical, economic and financial barriers for the adoption of EE and ER technologies Analysis of the local situation and recommendations to foster the adoption of EE and ER measures in the country.
Colombia: GREENPYME Colombia (Phases I, II, III, IV)
Client: IIC- IDB
Dates: September 2009- March 2011
Country: Colombia
Description of the Project: GREENPYME program provides SMEs with expertise, technical resources and support for measures to increase energy efficiency and the adoption of renewable energy in order to improve business competitiveness and promote respect for the environment.
Creara has participated in the deployment of GREENPYME program in Colombia, working alongside the IIC in phases I to IV, and having also provided general advice on program development.
- Phase I: Launch of GREENPYME in Colombia. Between September and December 2009, Creara was responsible for coordinating the tasks, 3 workshops where held to inform and to promote energy efficiency awareness.
- Phase II: Selection of firms for technical assistance grants: Between December 2009 and August 2010. Creara conducted a market study to identify local consultant with enough capacity to perform energy audits. At the same time, Creara created a database containing the firms that would be received the TA based on their potential to incorporate EE/CP practices.
- Phases III and IV: Implementation of an energy audit program in industrial facilities, including monitoring and implementation of measures resulting from the energy audits.