Client: AENA
Country: Spain
Dates: November 2008- December 2012
Description of the Project: AENA, the Spanish airport authority, manages Spain’s entire network of public airports and serves over 200 million passengers a year. AENA contracted Creara to conduct comprehensive energy audits and energy simulations of AENA facilities to identify possibilities for savings on energy efficiency. CREARA performed also feasibility studies to install a cogeneration system in 18 buildings, airports and AENA's offices in the whole national territory.
While taking into account the specific characteristics of each building, the project analyzed the electrical and thermal consumption of each building and classified them by type of use. Creara experts conducted investment grade energy audits leading to the commercial financing of energy projects through ESCO model that would guarantee the energy and financial savings of the proposed measures and provide recommendations based on calculations of implementation cost and the estimated investment return period. The methods utilized for energy simulations included LIDER, CALENER and SHW.

Client: Union Fenosa
Dates: March 2007 to March 2008
Country: Spain
Description of the Project: Union Fenosa is a major European energy utility that supplies electricity and gas to approximately nine million customers. Union Fenosa enlisted Creara’s expertise to provide start-up services to enable the initiation of a new ESCO offering and to perform a number of energy audits on client facilities, including the headquarters of IBM Banesto and Indra in Madrid, among other companies.
Creara was responsible for the technical development and training of a team of junior and senior engineers through formal and on-the-job training to enable them to perform energy engineering functions, including energy auditing, ECM (Energy Conservation Measures) selection, utility data analysis, data gathering, savings calculations, cost calculation, report writing and presentation, etc. Additionally, Creara was tasked with providing technical support and quality control functions for WTA (Walk-through Audits) and IGA (Investment Grade Audit) reports to help the ESCO manage their risk.